10 vegan friends give you their #1 tip for transitioning

Change is hard.

Any time you try to change something in your life, you have to learn new information and figure out new ways of doing things.

If you want to change your results, you need to change your behaviors. If you want to feel healthier or lose weight, it’s going to involve some change.

I’ve changed a lot of things about the way I eat and the way I live. It took me a long time, and I’ve made a lot of mistakes.

I’m really happy with where I am now, and although I know I’m always going to keep on learning and changing, I don’t feel like I’m struggling anymore.

I want to help you have a smooth transition by sharing what I’ve learned along the way – and bring in some of my friends to share their tips!

They also shared their favorite veggie. Can you guess which was the most popular?

My #1 Transition Tip: Make it taste amazing

If you know how to make healthy food taste really good, it’s definitely not a hardship to stick to it.

I look forward to every single meal and snack, and I never feel deprived, or like I’m missing out. Sometimes I just don’t want to stop eating my own healthy meals because they’re so delicious!

You could see from that video that kale is really popular among the health-conscious vegans. And it is really healthy. But it really doesn’t taste good on its own. (I know some people will disagree with me on that, but those who can munch on it raw like deer are the minority.)

If you’re like me and not a fan of raw kale, here’s what I do to make it delicious: Tips for eating raw kale without gagging.

This is exactly why I put together a meal plan program for you – it’s designed to help you through the transition by showing you what to eat, and how to make it delicious.

It’s a plan with recipes for all your meals, with nutritional breakdown, weekly grocery list, prep guide, and lots more to help you make this as easy as possible – so that you can stick with it for the long term.

I’ve been blown away by the responses from everyone who’s signed up so far, so thank you to everyone who’s written me to tell me that they appreciate the work I put into it!

Your turn:

What has been your biggest challenge in going vegan and/or eating healthfully? Let us know below!

If you’re already a healthy vegan all-star, spread the love! Offer support or help to others making this change. Share this post with a friend, or share a recipe that you think they’d like.

meal plan club

Done-for-you healthy vegan meal plans

Take the hassle out of “what am I going to eat?” and “what groceries do I need?”
Everything you need to get on track right now – so you’re never left wondering what to make.

  • Complete 7-day vegan meal plans: recipes for every meal and snack so you’re never left wondering what to make at any given point.
  • Grocery list: for each plan, so you know exactly what you need to get at the store for each weekly plan.
  • Prep guide: to outline exactly what to prepare day-by-day, so you never feel unorganized or overwhelmed.
More details


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