Cuisinart Toaster Oven + College Vegan Cookbook Giveaway

Cuisinart Toaster Oven + College Vegan Cookbook Giveaway
Heather Nicholds, C.H.N.
Cuisinart Toaster Oven Giveaway! Plus College Vegan + Plant-Based Meal Plan Cookbooks

Enter to WIN a Cuisinart toaster oven giveaway, along with a copy of the College Vegan cookbook and the Plant-Based Diet Meal Plan book!

Huge thanks for the lovely people at Cuisinart for helping one lucky person set up their college kitchen! Honestly, this is the appliance I have used most from my first kitchen right up till now. It’s my first thought when baking pizzas, cookies, muffins, granola, and pretty much anything! I love it because I don’t need to turn on the whole oven for smaller batches, which saves electricity and keeps the kitchen from getting too hot in the summer. This one will fit an 11″ pizza, and the broiler function will be perfect for melting vegan cheese on top of pizza or nachos.

There are SO many recipes in the College Vegan cookbook that are perfect to make in the toaster oven, so that you can make single servings: black bean nachos, oatmeal-raisin breakfast cookies, chickpea melt, green chips, sweet & sour tofu & cauliflower, southwest stuffed sweet potato, personal pizza, couscous stuffed tomatoes, BBQ cauliflower wings, or herbed croutons. This size toaster oven should also fit a full batch of things like whole-wheat biscuits, sweet potato-quinoa meatballs, and lemon-blueberry oat squares. I actually recipe tested a fair number of these in my mom’s toaster oven!

One lucky winner will get their own toaster oven broiler and both of my books, to get set up for a great start in the kitchen! Don’t worry, you do NOT have to be a college student to enter – this is perfect for anyone who wants to make easy, affordable and delicious vegan recipes in an efficient way.

You have lots of chances to enter the Cuisinart toaster oven giveaway – grab as many as you can!

Open to US mailing addresses only. Giveaway closes midnight Eastern time on Thursday March 28.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Ellen Casper 5 years ago

    Little pizzas or cookies,

  2. Charlene R. Jones-Smith 5 years ago

    Awesome giveaway!

  3. Kerim 5 years ago

    The toaster would be great for toasting nuts and seeds, to add to soups, oatmeal or rice dishes. Much more practical than heating up the oven for something that can be done more economically and with a lesser carbon footprint

  4. bn100 5 years ago


  5. jack 5 years ago

    Thanks, Heather and Cuisinart

  6. Sherry 5 years ago

    Single small pot pie or small single size pizza

  7. Kathie 5 years ago

    I can’t wait to make roasted chickpeas in this oven!

  8. Elle 5 years ago

    I’d make pizza bagels.

    • Author
      Heather Nicholds, C.H.N. 5 years ago


  9. rusthawk 5 years ago

    It would be convenient for warming leftovers (muffalattas!) or cooking pizza and nachos. Warmed dips, too!

  10. rusthawk 5 years ago

    Great for warming leftovers, or making pizza and nachos, and dips too!

  11. Claudia Martindale 5 years ago

    I love a toaster oven for heating up left-overs that need to be crisp and not soggy. My husband has been bugging me to get another!

    • Author
      Heather Nicholds, C.H.N. 5 years ago

      YES, so handy for leftovers…

  12. Natalia M 5 years ago

    I know that toaster ovens are capable of baking everything these days, and it’s such a good replacement for a huge oven (for reasons you mentioned) , but also for small families or adults who cook for one or two.

    I’d definitely make a batch of vegan chocolate chip cookies to celebrate the win, followed by something from one of your books!

    • Author
      Heather Nicholds, C.H.N. 5 years ago

      aww sounds so good!! good luck 🙂

  13. Salomea Apolonia 5 years ago

    Pita filled with healthy ingredients or vegan quesadillas

  14. Courtney Howard 5 years ago

    Roasting veggies for two – and sweet potatoes for two pups

  15. Jeremy VanDomelen 5 years ago

    Love these type of little ovens and those cookbook would be a welcome addition to the kitchen!

  16. Linda 5 years ago

    I love making stuffed peppers and tomatoes with different yummy fillings.

  17. Nicole 5 years ago

    As an apartment dweller I use mine almost daily- most often to roast veggies as well as reheating leftovers.

  18. Nancy McDonald 5 years ago

    What a wonderful drawing. I use a toaster oven for so many things: spring rolls, black bean burgers, toast, broiling whole grain buns, etc.etc. Thanks for the opportunity!

  19. Tim 5 years ago

    The most useful thing we will cook will be all of the snack foods that our kids eat. I hate heating up the entire oven to cook 20 fish sticks, so this would save us on energy costs!!

  20. Jillian Too 5 years ago

    I’d love to use it for mini veggie pizzas.

  21. Courtney 5 years ago

    Reheating leftovers for my kiddos!

  22. Cara 5 years ago

    Cuisinart has THE BEST small appliances! I have so many of them, but not the toaster over. I’ve been planning to get one now that my life has changed and I no longer want to fire up the oven and heat the entire kitchen for a snack or quick item. So many possibilities! AND, if it comes with Heather’s new book, The College Vegan Cookbook, what better way to make yummy things in the Cuisinart Toaster Oven!

    • Author
      Heather Nicholds, C.H.N. 5 years ago

      aw you are so right – good luck!!!

  23. Michelle O. 5 years ago

    Nachos and cookies!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  24. Allison Modafferi 5 years ago

    Our drop-down toaster is a holdover from my college days… eek! I’d love to have a smaller oven/toaster oven to conserve energy when cooking all kinds of things for my small (but growing) family! Thank you for the offer, and huge congrats on your new book!!

    • Author
      Heather Nicholds, C.H.N. 5 years ago

      thanks so much!!! good luck on the giveaway 😀 sounds like you could definitely use a new one!

  25. Sarah Cotter 5 years ago

    I always am roasting veggies in it!

  26. Tracy 5 years ago

    everything! My regular oven is broken, so I have been using an old toaster oven to do all my cooking lately.

  27. manda shank 5 years ago

    Baked cookies.

  28. Karen Delaney 5 years ago

    Pita bread pizzas

  29. Karen Delaney 5 years ago

    Baked falafel

  30. Sonya Allstun 5 years ago

    oh possibilities are endless but would make some homemade pizzas

  31. cyndi br 5 years ago

    toasting bagels

  32. cyndi br 5 years ago

    toasted bagels

  33. christopher h 5 years ago

    i’d make stuffed peppers

  34. Cassandra D 5 years ago

    Mini deep dish pizzas.

  35. Yolanda Pugh 5 years ago

    Toaster oven are perfect for warmer weather when you don’t want to heat the entire house with an oven.

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